Flamboyant and fabulous throughout, Dressed as a Girl documents the baroque world of East...
Elliot Gleave (better known as rapper Example) will take all the headlines for his acting...
There are only a few works able to capture the passion, sweat and sheer effort...
It’s been nearly 15 years since writer/director Alejandro Amenábar presented himself to Hollywood...
Canadian philosopher Marshall MacLuhan, arguably the quintessential figure of...
Listen to Me, Marlon is a documentary about Marlon Brando, mainly narrated by Brando...
The award winning Tell Spring Not To Come This Year explores the aftermath of...
Boasting a cast list brimming with veterans of some of the best TV comedy of...
Ten years in the making, and with a running time of nearly two and a...
Marc Silver has been billed as director, photographer and “Social Impact...