“For many sleep is fraught with things worse than bad dreams,” the opening of Rodney...
Fidelio: Alice’s Journey is a probing film about love, romance and sex within the...
One of Shakespeare’s darkest and bloodiest plays, Macbeth, a tragedy of political ambition and lust...
It’s a shame that science-fiction never gets the funding it deserves unless it’s in the...
Telling the tale of the creation of Montreal band Arcade Fire’s latest...
Traditionally the film world hasn’t spent much time crafting stories around homelessness, and...
After almost two years in the vaults, Portuguese director Afonso Poyart’s English language debut is...
There is only one Elvis Presley. His recordings, television specials and big...
Ramin Bahrani manages to take on board two of Hollywood’s most talented actors in his...
With an oppressive dose of foreboding and twists that keep the viewer guessing until a...