“It’s kind of like a David and Goliath story out there” explains Tim Foley, his...
In a new English version of George Bizet’s most enduring work, Carmen, currently...
Documentary filmmaker Michael Rossato-Bennett, makes his feature length debut with Alive Inside,...
Life chronicles the blossoming friendship between actor James Dean and his photographer Dennis Stock, before...
It was hard to believe Noah Baumbach was at it again with Mistress America, just...
Paper Towns, adapted from the young adult novel by John Green and directed by Jake...
There’s always been a deep-seated connection between Westerns and coming-of-age dramas. Perhaps...
It’s the height of the Cold War, and Napoleon Solo (Henry Cavill) has crossed the...
Based on the semi-biographical book by the same name (written by Phoebe Gloeckner),...
It’s that time of year again, while the kids are on holidays and the weather...