The innate parental desire to protect children is manifested in bizarre and extreme ways in...
As a sequel of sorts to his 2005 documentary, Earthlings, comes Shaun Monson’s Unity. Like...
When asked to contemplate the union of Al Pacino and director David Gordon Green, of...
The wide expanses of Andalusia take centre stage in this thriller of drugs, duplicity, and...
Feature-film debut of director Andrew Mudge, The Forgotten Kingdom, is a vividly...
Coming straight from Sweden, the undeniable home of gritty crime drama, is this...
English filmmaker Andrew Haigh returns to the director’s chair for 45 Years, a grossly in-depth...
The strangest thing about The Cobbler is not its premise, nor the events of the...
The links between technology and the military range from theories of ongoing civilian training in the...