Three years after Avengers Assemble, Earth’s mightiest heroes are finally reunited...
Unfriended bombastically bills itself as a “new genre of horror” in its trailer; although this...
Scottish horror film Let Us Prey draws the viewer into its bloody grips from the start, with an...
Hot Tub Time Machine was the sleeper hit of 2010, armed with enough jokes and...
In the wet, leafy green surround of an English all-girls school towards the end of the...
Between the 1980s and early 90s, many of the popular horror films created by the...
Based on the famous 1943 Polish novel of the same name, which itself was inspired...
Based on an incredible true story, The Good Lie recounts the tale of four Sudanese...
With Girlhood, Céline Sciamma is releasing a third film that’s concerned with, well, girlhood....
We start off with wind, dunes, motocross bikes, fast-paced beats and heavy waves, which...