The rogue, crusading journalist has been a likeable protagonist in the thriller movie genre...
Heinrich Von Kleist is a man with a plan. Rather than sharing his life with...
At its best, film comedy can be a vital medium capable of making the exploration...
Even though he is a descendent of legendary filmmaker Luchino Visconti, director Uberto Pasolini...
Is a bloods and crypts “black face” party ironic, a lampooning of suburbanite...
Game of Thrones is currently one of the most-watched television shows, keeping viewers...
The appeal of Gregg Araki’s work – be it the pessimistic queer Teenage Apocalypse...
Reviving the dying genre of the original spy film, Matthew Vaughn gives us a...
Something is afoot in the world of Bruce Willis. Once a bankable action star, he’s...