In the era of the trashy thriller novel, Gillian Flynn’s original Gone Girl was a breath of...
Set in a faceless Australian town, Amelia is a single parent to her son Samuel,...
Love it or loathe it, Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkins’ television show Outnumbered...
Rob the Mob is being mis-sold. It is not nearly as irritating as its trailer...
In a world where a global recession has recently proven once again that the value...
The Grande Raccordo Anulare, the ring road that encircles Rome, is the largest highway of...
In recent years, Liam Neeson has become so swaddled in cliché it’s hard to tell...
Attila Marcel feels like it should be a cartoon, which comes as no surprise since...
Martin Provost is writer and director of biopic Violette, about the author Violette Leduc – a...
An abstract question often yields a vague answer, and documentary film Watermark is no deviation from...