Blackwood is a refreshingly dark take on a mostly saturated genre as it explores the...
Ari Folman’s bold movie, The Congress, is a bizarre and trippy envisioning of a future...
The sentimentality of the opening scene of Guardians of the Galaxy is both unexpected and...
There is very little that cinema should not do: any innovation or experiment ought to...
Among the hundreds of complex, novel and boundary breaking films that have been released over...
David Gordon Green is becoming one of the most versatile Hollywood directors; his filmography is...
There’s no shame in openly drawing inspiration from others: nothing is truly original after all....
No matter where you are in the world, mentioning immigration will evoke every feasible...
He was born Harris Glenn Milstead but you know him better as Divine. Offering a...
It takes a determined effort to buy into The Purge: Anarchy’s concept: for 12 hours...