When Hollywood actors take a step back into roles that focus more on intense relationships...
When Tom travels to the Quebec countryside to attend the funeral of his friend Guillaume,...
Prior to the screening of Rio 2, The Upcoming spoke with...
Is it fair that the term horror only conjures up negative connotations in modern cinema?...
The Vue theatre in Leicester Square is transformed into a tropical rainforest for the VIP...
Taking the definition of film to its literal boundaries, director Godfrey Reggio’s Visitors is a...
How many dystopian action fantasy novels and films will we need before questions start to...
Calvary comes with a set of high expectations; written and directed by John Michael McDonagh,...
According to Emma Thompson’s grandmother, your heart must have been broken at least ten times...
Darren Aronofsky has an excellent track record, which is why Noah is so frustrating: a...