In Woody Allen’s 44th film, we first meet New York socialite Jasmine (Cate Blanchett), shortly...
In a working-class, god-forsaken small village in Poland, a priest runs a centre for delinquent...
When a down-on-her-luck single mother crosses paths with an aging, sight- impaired Russian...
Based on an old Egyptian proverb that exemplifies the deep-rooted patriarchal bias...
Hawking is a biographical documentary uncovering the life of the eponymous...
Penned and narrated by the eponymous “master of the universe”, Hawking chronicles the life of...
The tagline of Prevertere (the new offering from writer/director Brian McGuire) reads “a...
Set in the mid-1970s during a hard winter of power failures and police cuts, toughened...
Metro Manila is intimate and emotional, following the struggle of a Filipino family who move...