Kick-starting 2013’s scares with forceful impact is Mama, a film executively produced by the limitless...
One-time apprentice for Woody Allen, Adam Leon shares the same love good ol’ Woody feels...
What do you get if you cross the British soap opera Emmerdale with a zombie...
Another year of awards pass us by, with many films of this year picking up...
Who knows what led Keanu Reeves to dream up, and subsequently produce, this documentary about...
Children’s fairy tales always make for a good film narrative, especially...
Brandon Cronenberg’s debut film is a disturbingly imaginable exploration of a not-too-distant...
In Japanese, the title of Hirokazu Kore-eda’s movie means miracle, and this film really feels...
Since the fall out of Twilight (2008), a series now permanently ingrained in the pop...
Eighteen months in the making, The Road: A Story of Life and Death is another...