Hollywood’s up-and-coming poster boy Ryan Gosling radically changes his appearance...
There is something ominous about the title The Seasoning House, setting the mood before the...
From the producers of Sinister and the Paranormal Activity franchise comes Dark Skies, a thrilling...
King of the Travellers is loosely an Irish take on Romeo and Juliet. It is...
Andy Capper took time out to speak to The Upcoming ahead...
Following on from the 1970 documentary I Was a Soldier, the late British director Michael...
Deep in the recesses of Barbican Centre’s legendary Cinema 1, an audience buzzing with...
We interviewed François Ozon, director of newly released mystery movie...
Although it seems a shame to advocate against reading, the general consensus on films based...
If there is one thing director Danny Boyle excels at it is creating tension. Following...