Michael Shannon freezes the blood as the ruthless real-life hitman Richard “The Iceman” Kuklinski...
The premise of Giles Bourdos’ Renoir is simple: it is a cross section focusing on...
There is no shortage of films that ask questions about what a society with robots...
Filling every inch of the big screen with tremendous colours, from the vivid...
Park Chan-Wook’s films have always been characterised by a brutal yet delicate narrative style woven...
Although it seems a shame to advocate against reading, the general consensus on films based...
One Mile Away is the latest authored documentary from acclaimed filmmaker Penny Woolcock. It is...
Harry Papadopoulos (Stephen Dillane) seems to have everything he needs – a family, a...
From the author who single-handedly lured tears from every eye watching The Notebook comes Safe...
The zenith of cinematic awards season – the 85th Academy Awards...