It hasn’t even been a year since the BBC’s adaptation of Charles Dickens’ Great...
In a marked change in tone from director Ben Wheatley’s fabulous Kill List, Sightseers is...
Achieving the rare combination of subtlety and brutality, Bullhead is one of the most striking...
Barnaby Southcombe’s I, Anna is a self-professed “film noir with European sensibility”,...
Based on a true story, Argo is a nail-biting thriller...
Alain Corneau made fourteen feature films in his career from 1973 to 2010 before succumbing...
The film noir genre was short lived: the general consensus among film historians...
End of Watch is a film that feels unripe. Watching it, one feels like it...
Everyone has seen Toy Story, and...
Screened as part of the BFI’s Uncut season and...