John Waters’ Pink Flamingos reached its 40th anniversary recently, and has been screening as...
The British Film Institute’s Uncut season is currently underway. Screening films with histories of...
Disney’s timeless animated movies have delighted children and their parents for...
After having worked as a writer and producer on Transformers, Star Trek, Alias and Cowboys...
Gambit had a troublesome development since its conception in 1997. Being a remake of the...
They don’t advertise themselves. You don’t know what film is going to be screened going...
Poor Thomas Vinterberg. No matter how hard he tries, he still can’t quite free himself...
Directed by Stuart Urban and starring Kevin Bishop alongside veteran actresses Frances Barber and...
Alps is a slow-burning, bleak film about a company of strange people...
Sally El Hosaini recently (deservedly) won the best newcomer prize at the London Film...