During the German occupation of France, Algerian black-market dealer Younes (Tahar Rahim) finds himself...
Lisa Aschan’s debut feature film She Monkeys won the award for Best Narrative Feature at...
Unlike Sacha Baron Cohen’s previous films Borat and Bruno, The...
Having received some attention as official selections at...
The concept of turning old American television shows into Hollywood films is nothing new. Bewitched,...
The Hidden Face, in Spanish La Cara Oculta, is a thriller written by director...
Amid the pomp and pageantry in the build-up to the Queen’s Jubilee this June, there...
With the life of many independently made films hanging precariously on the success of their...
Love stories have always been a central facet of cinema culture. However, it is a...
In comparison to other major film industries around the world, it could be said that...