The third reimagining of a Tokusatsu series by Hideaki Anno, after 2016’s Shin Godzilla and...
After leaving a life of spousal abuse and torment, Cruz Manuelos (Laysla De Oliveira) enlists...
Justine Pearce (Ella Lilly-Hyland) is a teenage tennis prodigy on the cusp of winning her...
In our day and age,...
After Tyrone Fontaine (John Boyega) is tragically shot outside the motel Slick Charles (Jamie...
Just like life in plastic, the Barbie movie is fantastic. There were two widely asked...
The second season of The Afterparty follows Aniq (Sam Richardson), the prime suspect in...
When we last left Carmy (Jeremy Allen White) and his staff at the end of...
Scripted by Sarah Phelps (A Very British Scandal), The Sixth Commandment is a broad yet...