At one point during WeCrashed’s pilot episode, Rebekah Paltrow (Anne Hathaway) clasps her hands to...
In typical documentary style, The Andy Warhol Diaries opens with flashes of social and...
Depending on one’s point of view, this is either the second season of Top Boy or...
Based on the novel of the same name by Walter Mosley, The Last Days of...
When Patrick Stewart reprised his celebrated role as Jean-Luc Picard in 2020, fans of the...
Toni Collette is a performer whose eyes do much of the emotive heavy lifting. They...
Wolf Like Me is fun and charming, just like its main cast, with a little...
Vikings: Valhalla is a hurricane of many things: history and wonder, virtues and legacies...
Jeen-Yuhs is a documentary about the life of Kanye West, chronicling his journey from...
From the opening sequence, Apple TV original Severance (which is directed and co-produced by Ben...