Following the titular fan-favourite character’s appearance in The Mandalorian, The Book of...
James Nesbitt, Cush Jumbo, and Richard Armitage star in Netflix’s latest water-cooler crime drama...
The Tourist is a mystery thriller, starring Jamie Dornan as “The Man” – an Irish...
Henry Cavil straps on his silver sword to return as grumbling monster hunter Geralt in...
It’s January 1969. Paul McCartney sits at a piano at Twickenham Studios; cups of tea,...
New Belgian series The Coyotes gets off to a slow start when troubled teen Kevin...
One thing the Marvel Cinematic Universe has excelled at throughout its lifetime is its ability...
Kevin Hart and Wesley Snipes star in Netflix’s latest limited series True Story, which gets...
Beginning with a quick storybook narration – fitting for the cliché of prophetic...
Jane Noury is a high-school student in her senior year who can’t wait to escape...