Jamie Foxx returns to sitcoms after a 20-year hiatus and opts for what appears to...
Reuniting ten years after their Emmy winning turns in Mildred Pierce, Kate Winslet and Guy...
Healthy, long-lasting relationships are seldom seen on TV, but when they are...
“It’s a chaotic mess. I overreached, attempted to cram too many ideas into a single...
The quest for easy money is never simple; in fact, it can get downright chaotic...
The consensus of various studies over the years is that...
For a city of less than half a million people, New Zealand’s capital has to...
Netflix releases their new eight-episode docuseries, Worn Stories, a heart-warming and personal look...
Netflix’s latest teen drama The Irregulars is just like any of the platform’s other series...
In recent years there’s been something of a fashion for Spanish crime capers, and writing...