Following the rivalry of Bette Davis and Joan Crawford (portrayed by Susan Sarandon and...
Bethesda games are known for their “step-out moments”: the point at which players emerge into...
Sugar stars Colin Farrell as the titular John Sugar, an American private eye hired by...
Patricia Highsmith’s 1955 psychological thriller novel The Talented Mr Ripley was first adapted for the...
The Regime stars Kate Winslet as Elena Vernham, the chancellor of an unnamed European autocracy....
From riots and rival gangs to poetry and ska music, This Town (the latest show...
Adapted from Amor Towles’s novel of the same name, A Gentlemen in Moscow sees Ewan...
Set in 18th-century England, Renegade Nell follows the titular Nell Jackson (Louisa Harland), who...
“I fix problems and you have them” is the line that Eddie says to Maggie...
Helmed by Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and DB Weiss, alongside True Blood’s...