Danish ambient composer Anders Rhedin presents the re-emergence of his alter-ego Dinner...
Wirral’s She Drew the Gun, aka Louisa Roach, and her backing band, Sian...
“Signs of Life is about re-emergence”. Award-winning Irish singer/songwriter...
Canadian singer-songwriter and musician Peter Sagar, AKA Homeshake, produced...
Maisie Peters’s You Signed Up for This has a lot of staple themes:...
Chvrches make good use of production and effects to create multidimensional meanings...
It has been nine years since his double platinum debut album and,...
Nite Jewel, AKA American musician and producer Ramona Gonzalez, is back with a new...
Only last year, The Killers released their sixth studio record, Imploding the...
In response to the tragic sinking of a ship off the coast of Libya that...