Despite only having two studio albums under his own...
Lionface, an alt-pop quartet from Bristol headed by vocalist Kat Marsh, released...
Stage-diving is usually only recommended if there is a sea of people ready to absorb...
Back in Disclosuremaniac 2013, London’s own electronic...
Rounding out night six of the ten-night Apple...
Singing, dancing, joke-cracking musical comedy trio The Midnight Beast...
“I wanna make this intimate,” declares Abel Tesfaye...
Apple Music Festival continued its third day of festivities with headline act One Direction playing to a more intimate audience at The Roundhouse. One Direction played a compendium from their recent albums, bulldozing through 15 hits in just over an hour’s performance. Classics such as Best Song Ever and What Makes You...
Scotland’s indie darlings take the stage at the Electric Ballroom in a...
Sasha McVeigh closes the UK tour of her debut album, I Stand Alone, at Nambucca...