Lauren Mayberry, famously known as the voice behind indie synth-pop band...
Multi-instrumentalist writer and producer Charlie J Perry, known as Common...
The Cure’s highly anticipated 14th studio album since 2008, Songs of...
It almost seems as though breaking up is a canon event for almost any band....
The Prodigy bring the Disrupta tour to select UK cities, finishing off with a...
Jasper Atlee has enjoyed immense success under his Berlioz moniker. Within the first few singles,...
Shed Seven complete the final leg of their tour at a rammed Brixton Academy, belting...
It’s easy to forget quite how popular Travis were at the turn of the...
In his first stadium tour since 2006, and with a his most unabashed release...
Having released his latest album Standards on 24th June, singer-songwriter Lloyd...
Discovery 2 at AAA is an exhibition of unsigned, cross-genre talent. Laura Jenkins of Exhibit...
There is a close-knit and familial vibe surrounding Omar’s album launch party, a sense that...
Two albums into their career, Local Natives prove themselves to be a band with a...
Sky Ferreira is only 20 but her star is already shining brightly in the firmament...
To put it simply, The National are outstanding. Having recently released new album...
The Black Angels wear their influences on their sleeve. Taking their name from a...
Runner up of The Voice in 2012, Bo Bruce’s first UK tour took her onto...
Mike Weatherly MP created the Rock the House competition in 2011 as a way...