Heavily billed and marketed as Sigourney Weaver’s West End debut, the...
Lillian Hellman’s The Little Foxes is coming to the Young Vic Theatre,...
“I’m dead, then? Good.” With this wry, sardonic opening line,...
What was the first ballet you ever saw? Chances are, it was Nutcracker. The story...
The festive period is a time for hearty feasting and an opportunity to sharpen our...
Christmas is that special time of year when we search for the...
Christmas is the season of joy, a time to gather with...
Let’s face it, celebrating Christmas involves...
The phenomenally successful Jackass franchise returns with this feature-length...
In the famous 8th-century poem, Beowulf, after a long and arduous...
Despite coming off a successful support tour with indie rockers TOY...
When investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill’s story about the US Special Forces unjustly killing a...
Joe Swanberg is a busy director, but Drinking...
Chapel Club went through a bit of a reinvention with this year’s Good...
David Greig received huge praise for The Events when it premiered at the Edinburgh...
In Fear – director Jeremy Lovering’s first foray into feature films – wowed audiences at...
Directed by Sang-soo Im, The Taste of Money is a South Korean film about the...