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  • Movie

    Ali sleeps in an abandoned construction site and barely gets by selling contraband petrol. Each...

  • Movie
    The Artifice Girl

    Humanity’s relationship with technology has been at the heart of science fiction for decades,...

  • Movie

    After getting into an altercation at a nightclub, Cian’s (Éanna Hardwicke) night ends in disaster...

  • Movie
    Return to Seoul

    On a spontaneous impulse, 25-year-old Freddie (Ji-Min Park) travels to South Korea, the country...

  • Movie

    The synopsis for Pamfir – the story of its titular protagonist returning home to his...

  • Live music
    Gaz Coombes at Electric Ballroom

    Since first storming onto the scene with Britpop icons Supergrass, Gaz Coombes...

  • Live music
    The Flaming Lips at Hammersmith Apollo

    The Flaming Lips’ latest tour ostensibly celebrates an album released...

  • Live music
    Patrick Wolf at Village Underground

    Known for blending baroque and electro-pop, Patrick Wolf returns with his...

  • Movie
    Peter Pan & Wendy

    Peter Pan & Wendy had a good amount of potential to be refreshing and of...

  • Movie

    It’s disheartening to see a small-time, relatively low-budget film not warm the cockles in some...