Writer and assistant director Marian Bott’s new play, Moormaid, is an intense...
An empty bed with grey sheets lies in the middle of a smoggy stage. Ten...
It’s easy to praise Mood Music for its #TimesUp timeliness. Joe Penhall takes a...
What on earth? Hideki Noda’s new play – which is somewhat insane, but in a...
Jermyn Street Theatre’s feminist counterpoint to Noel Coward’s...
There is no better time than now to see Chess at the Coliseum. With news...
Maybe more than anything, the way we treat our dead reveals the core of any...
Internationally renowned dance troupe Balletboyz return this...
Hampstead Downstairs cherry-picks works by exciting early-career writers...
The murky depths of sexual politics are penetrated in Anthony Neilson’s...