Alzheimer’s has ensnared the lives of Arthur and Grace Smith. After 50 years of...
It’s the mid 1960s in suburban Midwest America, and while Andre and Grace,...
Jacqueline Wilson is a star with young girls across Britain and there’s...
Many already know the story of Oscar Wilde; how his life played...
“You can’t treat someone like dirt and expect there to be no consequences”...
There is a real community feel to The Kilburn Passion. Revived as part of...
Grim is the name of a new musical that has just opened at the Charing...
Adapted for the stage by Daniel Winter, Iris Theatre’s...
Dessa Rose is the vibrant story of two women and their lives in the 19th...
Written by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul in 2005, Edges gets its first professional UK...