If the Bechdel test can be applied to theatre, then A First World Problem...
Set in both the dark underbelly of a Nottinghamshire mine and in the cold light...
As Shakespeare’s second longest work, Richard III is a lot to stomach....
“There’s hundreds of thousands worse off than us,” says...
For legal reasons, Great Britain by Richard Bean (known for his...
Facing persecution, imprisonment and seeking political asylum are not the usual...
Now in its 6th year, the record-breaking West End show Thriller Live marked...
Written by OBIE winner Adam Bock (The...
T-Rex arguably typified the glam-rock era back when they were one of the biggest bands in the UK: their arrogant, androgynous leader Marc Bolan was supremely confident and talented and their music demanded attention. The legacy left behind by T-Rex and Marc Bolan is celebrated on stage at the New Wimbledon Theatre in 20th...