Do you love feminine, sophisticated, edgy fashion? Well, you’re in luck. Because Jexika has a luxury line that oozes glamour and elegance. Jexika channels sharp lines, informality and a real sense of the city lifestyle. The designer Jessica Rampezzotti clearly has the Milan vibe! Here I have taken a closer look at...
One day, Loulou Androlia was giving her room a spring clean and came across 80...
A woman walks into a room wearing an elegant retro black fitted silk dress. She’s...
Have you ever been caught out in the rain without a coat or umbrella to...
ANVE is a rare label that creates items, specifically bags, but also ‘home things’...
Feeling a little rebellious towards fashion in the New Year? Well, Charles of London might be just the thing to excite your wardrobe. The self proclaimed brand for ‘freaks, guys and dolls, radiowavers, twisters, punks and slags’ is risqué and outrageous, and if you dare sport some of Charles’ clothes, you will...
With her long, dark, tousled tresses and eye-skimming fringe, Victoria has...
GSC stands for Gina Stewart Cox, a name you will not easily forget. It is...
It is hard being an artist. You struggle to make a name for yourself, yet...
South London based Kelly and Lele are the creators of The Sick Kids, a rock...