Selfridges have named Maarten van der Horst as one of their...
At this catwalk show if you so much as blinked you risked opening your eyes...
This is the new Prose AW 2012 collection presented at the London Fashion Week. Photos:...
Vogue Italia and the Italian Cultural Institute London showcased a mid-afternoon...
Christian Blanken presented his new gorgeous AW 2012 collection at the London...
Set in the wonderful Old Billingsgate Topshop show space venue, Michael Van De...
A few celebrity faces including Michelle Collins (aka Stella Price from...
Marques’Almeida presented the new AW 2012 collection...
Fred Butler presented her kaleidoscopic new AW 2012 collection at the Portico Rooms...
Canadian designer Mark Fast has shown the sober elegance of his AW 2012 collection at...