With a well-deserved reputation as a talented vocalist and generous purveyor of heart-wrenching...
Kodaline’s 2013 debut, In A Perfect World, had enough crowd-pleasing, romantic...
Most people will remember indie-rock band The Ordinary Boys for one of two reasons:...
It’s been three years since Cher Lloyd released her debut LP Sticks...
Best known as the lead singer of The Pretenders, Chrissie Hynde has spent almost...
With chaotic melodies, slightly bizarre lyrics and a combination of instruments that no...
Del Rey’s fans are going to have to allow a little room for evolution if...
Willie Nelson has always been a bit of an iconoclast. He was part of the...
From the striking, soul-infused bassline and roaring guitar solo of the very first...
What would we be without rock music? That may sound like a strange...