All creatures great and small! The success of 2016’s Sing, the animated feature film from Illumination...
First Date opens frenetically. It uses cinematography to leave context clues: unsteady camera...
Following the successful Kingsman films released in 2014 and 2017, director Matthew Vaughn...
The directorial and writing debut of actor Aml Ameen, Boxing Day stars Ameen as Melvin,...
Loosely based on real events, Queenpins tells the story of frustrated suburban housewife Connie...
Kevin Hart and Wesley Snipes star in Netflix’s latest limited series True Story, which gets...
Yes, of course Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike...
Habit starts with flashes of old school photographs in pastel vintage filters to emulate a...
Ushering in a new generation with the opportunity to pave their own legacy, director...
At one point in writer-director James Vaughan’s Friends and Strangers, a friend asks Ray...