After directing Cop Car, Jon Watts returns this year with a big project: Spider-Man:...
It comes at night: a slow, creeping dread, in which one’s basest beliefs are overwhelmed...
An ambitious one-man-musical, Superhero is a clever and moving portrayal of...
British band The Maccabees first shocked fans with their decision to call it a...
Legendary big show pop crooner Tony Bennett returned tonight to sing at the...
Rupert Murdoch is a tumour in the breast of democracy. He wields a disproportionate...
What a day for the global...
If Jean-Luc Godard directed an entry in the Fast & Furious franchise, it might look...
Eduard Xatruch, Oriol Castro and Mateu Casañas were...
Scores of films set in the Second World War have depicted the European experience,...