Jonathan Wysocki’s Dramarama follows five high school pals and drama fanatics on a...
A five-part web series presented as a feature-length film, Max Currie’s Rūrangi centres...
They were young, they were punks, and above all else, they were women who had...
The BFI Flare Film Festival runs from 17th to 28th March 2021, celebrating the best...
Berlinale Forum entry A River Runs, Turns,...
Berlinale has long prided itself on being a festival showcasing works that push...
Written and directed by brothers David Vajda and...
German director and producer brothers David and Saša Vajda...
Writer-director Suzanne Lindon’s (daughter of Sandrine Kiberlain and...
Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar is one of the most notorious criminals in...