The fourth instalment in the Bad Boys series, Bad Boys: Ride or Die sees the...
Welcome to the Viggo Mortensen show; a statement that thankfully bears more positivity than...
Set in the summer of 1991, Snack Shack follows AJ (Conor Sherry) and Moose (Gabriel...
St Vincent, the stage name of American singer and musician Anne Clark,...
Sting tells the story of 12-year-old Charlotte (Alyla Browne), a rebellious young girl who finds...
When the touching sensibility and ceaseless picturesqueness of French film and the bombastic scale of...
“Some scars never heal”, 25-year-old medical student Mariam (Ramesha Nawal) remarks casually early...
Director Soi Cheang channels the frantic energy of classic Hong Kong action...
The Garfield Movie (not to be confused with 2004’s Garfield: The Movie) stars Chris Pratt...