The Watched, a new film directed by Ishana...
Adapted from John McGahren’s final novel of the same name, Pat Collins’s...
When Marwan Barghouti was a young boy, the IDF killed his dog. This, his son...
There’s Still Tomorrow’s title is like the whole film: it brings hope. It has its...
Plant-based diets have steadily been on the rise over the past few years. But with...
Written and co-directed by Brock Driver alongside Finn Bruce, pun-titled mockumentary Swede...
Inventive and extravagant, The Book of Clarence is a wild and trippy ride into the...
The concept of Alex Garland’s dystopian Civil War is interesting and unnervingly close to some...
In The Greatest Hits, based on Oliver Sacks’ Musicophilia, Ned Benson weaves his narrative...