Introduced as “Forest Father” by Abigail Morris – lead singer of the...
Panda Bear & Sonic Boom are the stage names of two very influential...
The Darkness have remained rooted in their glam rock persona since the 2000s, creating...
The Scala was the venue chosen by the indie-rock band The View to perform for...
The Coral is an English rock band formed in 1996, best known for the 2002...
The ever-iconic Sophie Ellis-Bextor has been creating pop-disco hybrid...
At only 19 years old, Sunderland’s very own Tom Smith has already accomplished...
Willie J Healey released his understated lo-fi debut, People and Their Dogs,...
West-London formed duo Bear’s Den opened their autumn evening gig with the...
Irish singer-songwriter Cian Ducrot is on a North American and European tour,...