Directed by Christian Carion, Driving Madeleine is an emotive French drama film...
The Upcoming has two Blue-Ray copies of Santa Claus: The Movie to...
Bayard Rustin’s towering influence on civil rights is often overlooked in the annals of mainstream...
Besides Scorsese with his David Grann adaptations, Ridley Scott may be the only filmmaker alive...
Ridley Scott. Joaquin Phoenix. Napoleon. One...
At the beginning of Christian Carion’s Driving Madeleine, taxi driver Charles (Dany Boon) is...
Pete Doherty, frontman of The Libertines and Babyshambles, has spent a...
Writer-director Kristoffer Borgli (best known for Sick of Myself) and producer Ari Aster present a...
The second feature-length film from director Emma Seligman (Shiva Baby), Bottoms follows PJ (Rachel...