Philip Marlowe, the noir detective creation of Raymond Chandler, once again gets a revival, this...
The Pale Blue Eye is not just a murder mystery but an homage to Edgar...
Set in the 1930s, Amsterdam is a crime thriller brought to the screen by BAFTA...
Starring John Bernthal as tortured male escort Julian Kaye, Paramount Plus’s American Gigolo is...
There’s something about a folk-horror tale that draws newcomers in when eyeing their directorial debut...
Now and Then is an intriguing new series from Apple TV that follows a group...
Screenwriter, showrunner and executive producer Silka Luisa has adapted novelist Lauren Beukes’s...
Fractures can appear in any marriage, but for Vic (Ben Affleck) and Melinda (Anna De...
Cookie-cutter is a bit of a mean term to throw around when writing a review,...