Stacey Gregg’s sad and unsettling directorial debut tangles together dark psychological thriller...
From the opening sequence, Apple TV original Severance (which is directed and co-produced by Ben...
Following 2017’s Murder on the Orient Express, director Kenneth Branagh revisits Agatha...
Set in the fictional world of Anmaere, The Wanting Mare is a bold and genre-defining...
Adapted from the novel of the same name by Anthony Horowitz, Britbox original Magpie Murders...
The feature-length directorial debut of Romola Garai, Amulet tells the story of Tomas (Alec Secareanu),...
First Date opens frenetically. It uses cinematography to leave context clues: unsteady camera...
James Nesbitt, Cush Jumbo, and Richard Armitage star in Netflix’s latest water-cooler crime drama...
The Tourist is a mystery thriller, starring Jamie Dornan as “The Man” – an Irish...