Like a Shakespearean tragicomedy, Dirty Promises launches with high energy and...
Originally premiered on Broadway in 1966, All Star Productions...
Leicester Square Theatre is currently playing host to a production about...
Imagine dark and dreary Parisian streets in 1860, incest, lust and murder. You...
Alzheimer’s has ensnared the lives of Arthur and Grace Smith. After 50 years of...
It’s the mid 1960s in suburban Midwest America, and while Andre and Grace,...
Stranded on a desert island, four plane crash survivors – three bored office workers...
You take your seat for the play, sure of your stance and of your expectations,...
The daughter of a slave, Esther has known a life of relentless hard graft...
It is in the backspace of a sausage factory that Beyond Caring‘s clashing...