All posts tagged review

  • Berlinale
    Call Me by Your Name

    Elio has resigned himself to another long, hot, vaguely boring summer...

  • Berlinale
    The Party

    Most parties start off with a bang and end with a whimper but Sally Potter’s...

  • Live music
    Flo Morrissey and Matthew E White at Union Chapel

    A church isn’t the most conventional venue for a gig, but then...

  • Berlinale
    The Misandrists

    The Misandrists is a publicly funded underground art film. To the...

  • Berlinale
    Una Mujer Fantastica (A Fantastic Woman)

    Orlando (Francisco Reyes) takes his girlfriend,...

  • Movie
    Hidden Figures

    Based on Margot Lee Shetterly’s book of the same name, Theodore Melfi’s Hidden Figures throws...

  • Berlinale
    Fra Balkongen (From the Balcony)

    The first time a kid realises that there is a world beyond...

  • Berlinale
    Erase and Forget

    James Gordon “Bo” Gritz cuts an unassuming figure, although...

  • Berlinale
    Viceroy’s House

    Always leave them wanting more is an adage that more filmmakers should...

  • Movie
    The Founder

    It’s a chicken and egg situation: which came first, the mass globalisation of American culture,...