Following a run in Stratford-upon-Avon, the Royal Shakespeare Company brings artistic...
It took just 20 years for London to grow from...
James Newell Osterberg Jr – articulate, insightful, with a deep gravely voice that oozes like...
Michael Nyman is the ultimate British film composer. His career begins and ends...
Tomas Wasilewski’s United States of Love evokes an earnest sense of despair in its...
Audiences are unlikely to know the story of Olga Hepnarová, the last woman to ever...
Anyone could be forgiven for first believing this film is merely a stylised fictional drama,...
Emiliano Rocha Minter’s We Are the Flesh is strange, inventive and perverse, introducing a new...
Singer-songwriter Tom Odell was back in London for his much-anticipated show. Since...
The greatest of thrillers are those that convey sheer terror without actually showing anything particularly...