Oy oy! Instead of a much-desired Dick Van Dyke biopic, The Guv’nor tells the life...
As it can be deduced from the title, Blood Father is an action-filled movie, but it is a...
“This world is not for girls.” That’s what one of three friends says to the...
Satoshi Kon is dead, Hayao Miyazaki is retired and Isao Takahata sticks to...
At first glance the film Christine might bring to mind the decades-old...
Barry Jenkins’s new film Moonlight – part of London Film Festival’s Official...
Ivan I Tverdovsky’s Zoology is a Russian drama that confronts the issue of...
The hundreds of Jane Austen adaptations that are produced on...
By Neapolitan director Edoardo De Angelis, Indivisibili...
Directed and written by Laura Israel, Don’t Blink...