The directorial debut for new feature filmmaker Ben Charles Edwards, Set the Thames on...
Bastille is often cited as an alternative rock group, but their sound – classic...
The new musical written by Sam Cassidy and co-directed by Arlene Phillips tells the story of...
Staged with an almost unbearable intimacy, Torn sees Nathaniel Martello-White...
Did we need another Blair Witch Project? Not really. The first one was so intrinsically...
“Men are to be pitied,” declares Agnes, daughter of the god Indra, time and...
Gallagher’s third album Gather Your Greatness, performed by herself and her...
For the next month, two wooden boxes at the centre of a small, understated...
Metatheatre is a paradoxical concept. In one sense it is simple: a...
The sight of Ralph Fiennes speaking Russian in a distinctly Russian production is a very...