All posts tagged review

  • Art
    Wifredo Lam at Tate Modern

    Tate Modern celebrates Cuban artist Wifredo Lam with a rich retrospective that...

  • Theatre
    Dinner at the Twits at the Vaults

    Theatre meets gastronomy in Les Enfants Terribles’ newest production...

  • Film festivals

    Absolutely exasperated by all the X-Factors, Britain’s Got Talents and other talent...

  • Movie
    Set the Thames on Fire

    The directorial debut for new feature filmmaker Ben Charles Edwards, Set the Thames on...

  • Album
    Bastille – Wild World

    Bastille is often cited as an alternative rock group, but their sound – classic...

  • Theatre
    27 at the Cockpit

    The new musical written by Sam Cassidy and co-directed by Arlene Phillips tells the story of...

  • Theatre
    Torn at the Royal Court Theatre

    Staged with an almost unbearable intimacy, Torn sees Nathaniel Martello-White...

  • Movie
    Blair Witch

    Did we need another Blair Witch Project? Not really. The first one was so intrinsically...

  • Theatre
    dreamplay at the Vaults Theatre

    “Men are to be pitied,” declares Agnes, daughter of the god Indra, time and...

  • Live music
    Bronagh Gallagher at the Lexington

    Gallagher’s third album Gather Your Greatness, performed by herself and her...