Canadian action thriller Precious Cargo, starring Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Bruce Willis, directed...
“What emerges from my visit to New York? A cry of anguish and love.” Jean...
The Southwark Playhouse has again taken on a story that celebrates the...
The Arcola’s Theatre 2 is pitch-black, the audience sit on wooden crates and...
It is a notorious cliché of comedy sketches that the tough gangster type melts and...
“Whores and cuckolds,” Ivan the Brute addresses the audience, “None of...
It’s the early 70s and farm girl Delphine (Izia Higelin) has her heart broken when...
Named after the controversial police tactic of stopping cars, which led to the fatal shooting...
Danish art-house director Anders Thomas Jensen is back, weaving his signature dark comedy into...
There must have been moments, in the 30 tortuous years...