Dedication and perseverance epitomise the fractured yet compelling journey of...
The Way Back Home is an opera for children, based on artist and illustrator...
Audience participation in comedy is hard to perfect. It can be aimless, mean...
This energetic, vibrant show based on the classic children’s book by Dr...
The latest winter show from the National Theatre is Bryony Lavery’s adaptation...
Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbott’s collaborations have never been...
20 years after the toilet humour-crammed classic Dumb and Dumber (honestly, 20 years!) the...
Electrowerkz, Islington’s former metalworks, is an...
After a slightly rocky start – involving a fawningly self-congratulatory filmed...
In a playful morality tale about honour, Usagi Yojimbo shows the title...