Under east London railway arches, an ambitious new form of banquet was laid...
This recent adaptation directed by Josie Rourke and penned by Alan...
Creepy phone calls and birds of prey are disturbing the peace in the Ovalhouse theatre production of Lucy and the Hawk. Written and directed by Phil Ormrod as part of his collaboration with Oliver Lamford in Switchback, an initiative to create “a diverse range of work that gathers people together to look...
It is fitting that Chris Isaak’s support...
In 2007 Beatrice Boyle graduated from Central St Martins, since then she...
Upon stepping onto the stage, Tu Fawning jumped straight into their set,...
Scala nightclub in King’s Cross had a gothic and mystical ambience about it last...
In the Sunley Room of the National Gallery, from...
To coincide with the release of Skyfall – the 23rd Bond film to...
Launching their new album on Monday night at a busier than usual Rough Trade East,...